Monday, September 6, 2010

Reading into Fall

What an enjoyable evening it was having "high tea" at C_'s - thank you C_!! The evening was gorgeous, the company and discussion fabulous, and the food delicious! Have I told you recently how much I love our book club!

It's hard to believe that the summer is almost over!! Along with Fall come various commitments, scheduling complications and more reading. The next book to be discussed is The Help. It's a fairly quick read and if anyone needs a copy please let me know...there's still time to read it before out next meeting on Sept 27th.

Cheers! Hope you're enjoying the Labour Day holiday.
p.s. chek the blog for our next book. Date & location TBC.

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Roses, Candles...

Roses, Candles...
We like pretty things

Shakespeare and Company, Paris

Shakespeare and Company, Paris
The upstairs reading room - a hideaway to catch up on some reading or writing

Shakespeare and Company, Paris