Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What do your bookshelves look like?

It's been two years since my move into a smaller space and I still have books in boxes, I'm sorry to say. I hope that this is the year they'll see the light of day!

In researching bookshelves, I came across this very sleek and fun design from Mebrure Oral ( If I was to get this shelf, my "will be read" shelf would need to be longer. There are sooo many good books to read!


1 comment:

  1. I like the updates made to the blog. Good job Zina. Svet


Roses, Candles...

Roses, Candles...
We like pretty things

Shakespeare and Company, Paris

Shakespeare and Company, Paris
The upstairs reading room - a hideaway to catch up on some reading or writing

Shakespeare and Company, Paris