Monday, August 27, 2012

Book Reviews, Can we Trust Them?

Despite being such a busy Summer, I'm so glad most of us have been able to get together each month to discuss our books. It was so great to finally have a warm evening where we could sit outside on R&C's penthouse patio to enjoy some great appetizers, drinks and “Ross' Dream” dessert!! What a feast and what a delicious dessert. Car, it's a keeper!

It's such a huge commitment of time to read a book especially if you're unfamiliar with the author or book. (Another reason why we love book club – discovering new literary treasures and expanding our library!) And, I know each of us has commented on how difficult it is to find a “good” new author or a “great” book. Which is why many a time we rely on reviews to decide if we'll read the book or not.

Well, I wanted to share an online article: “The Best Book Reviews Money Can Buy”, by David Streitfeld. This article reflects on how the self publishing world online has created another industry – one of paid book reviews. It seems that not all book reviews are created equal. In a world where there is a massive glut of reading material available to us and where every publisher, writer and promoter is jockeying to be in the Top -- list, it's hard to find a legitimate review written by a 'real' person. And, based on personal and our collective experience (remember “To Defy a King”?), I feel that I/we may have fallen victim to these paid reviews once or twice.

Will there ever be a time when we'll see the last of paid reviews or publishers encouraging or giving incentives for readers to rate their books? I think it will always be there in one form or another. However, I think that people will become frustrated enough that they will ignore most reviews, especially those that have been endorsed by the publisher or are too positive. They will go with their instincts or rely on recommendations from friends and/or fellow book club babes.  

1 comment:

  1. So true Z, we should only rely on the advice of fellow "book babes" ;)


Roses, Candles...

Roses, Candles...
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Shakespeare and Company, Paris

Shakespeare and Company, Paris
The upstairs reading room - a hideaway to catch up on some reading or writing

Shakespeare and Company, Paris