Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Such a fun night!

Hey all, just wanted to say how much fun that was last night! You women are wonderful; and I love every opportunity I have to spend time with you. For those of our members who couldn't be with us we missed your faces and sparkling repartee. C_, take good care of yourself and get well. (I hope you're resting).
D_, we missed you last night. S_ said you are resting and doing well. I hope that you are not in pain and will keep you in our prayers.
Great pick N_. You adorable Brit! I love how prepared you were. Thanking you for enjoying so much the "Estrogen dose" that BookClub is for you.
Once again I think we out-did ourselves in talking about the book. I just love that about us. Our insatiable enjoyment of whatever the topic happens to be is so wonderful.
Thanks again S_ for keeping us organized. I'm looking forward to our next pick (I'll wait for you to announce that Asunta).
D_, don't forget to send your "ad" to all of us. I will need to rush out and get it. I hope it's the miracle I've been hoping for.
Z, thanks for the plums I had a couple for breakfast they are delicious!
S_, make sure you tell me how your project works out.
K_, maybe you can bring our "littlest member" to the next meeting. I know I would love to hear what he has to say...
In keeping with a favourite subject of mine; I bought a new treasure that I showed off last night. It's called "Remarkably Jane; Notable Quotations on Jane Austen" by Jennifer Adams. So often with Jane Austen the complaint is that nothing happens in her novels. But like Miss Adams I would agree that "everything happens in Jane Austen. At least everything that matters." And that is what tends to happen at book club. It's the details of our everyday lives that are shared in the conversation (quite often punctuated by our laughter). Your friendship is very dear to me, thank you for sharing your lives with me for that is what truly matters.

Love to all, thanks again for coming out to my home. I loved having you here.
Alana xo

Roses, Candles...

Roses, Candles...
We like pretty things

Shakespeare and Company, Paris

Shakespeare and Company, Paris
The upstairs reading room - a hideaway to catch up on some reading or writing

Shakespeare and Company, Paris