Sunday, October 2, 2011

a reason to read

“A reason to read” – why I love Book Club.
Other reasons are:
Seeing my wonderful girlfriends
Tasting delicious morsels of savory & sweet dishes
Sipping delicious wines and other beverages
Discussing the books and the issues covered in them (yes, we actually do discuss them)
Belly aching laughter
Receiving gifts from various countries!

It was so great to see everyone! A_, we missed you!! I hope you enjoyed the concert. D_, thank you so much for bringing the bling from France – what a treat it was! S_, thanks for hosting – the food was delicious!!

It dawned on me that my last post was quite a while ago. Part of the reason is that I’ve been busy reading. It’s true! Not only have I been reading our books I’m also trying to keep one of my 2011 resolutions – to read more than just my Book Club books. So, this summer I tackled Stieg Larsson’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy in between our book club books. I don’t know how some of you can read a book (or more) a week!! I really enjoyed the trilogy despite the dark and gritty storylines and characters. However, I am still unsure as to whether I’ll see the movie that’s coming out (the American version with Daniel Craig).

After the trilogy, it was actually nice to read Harry Bernstein’s The Invisible Wall! Thanks S_ for picking it. There were times when I had to remind myself that it was non-fiction and these events did happen. That there was (and still is) segregation based on religion and nationality. It was a very hard and sad life for so many people…no wonder Bernstein waited until he was in his 90’s to write it!

I hope you enjoy our next book “Cutting For Stone” by Abraham Verghese. We’ll be discussing the book in November. Please check the blog for the next few books and dates.

Happy reading and don’t forget to write a comment on the read & dish blog.


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