Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Monday Evening!

I hope you all had a great weekend. Can this be the week that the weather finally turns warmer and sunnier here in Vancouver? I can only hope and dream….

Thanks A_ for choosing our last book. It was very interesting and surprisingly educational. I now have some ideas for coordinating my own funeral and dying process…I’m just not ready to start it anytime soon!

I hope you are all enjoying getting acquainted with Major Pettigrew, Mrs Ali, Grace, the old gits and other characters in our next book: “Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand”. It was a very fun read. I cannot believe that we have to wait 3 more weeks before we can talk about all those characters! Thanks N_ for picking the book and for all your other suggestions.

For those of you who have spare time and are interested in reading some of N_’s other suggestions, I have posted the list on the blog (below our “official” book lists). I can’t wait to start reading some of them myself. However, I first need to read “The Portrait of a Lady”.

Our next meeting will be at S_’s place on June 20th. Hopefully, she will have recovered from her vacation in Phoenix by then ;) Yes, I’m jealous! I need a vacation!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon! Enjoy the end-of-school celebrations, warm weather and watching our Canucks!!!!!

Go Canucks Go!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading Major Pettigrew too! The best part was that others on the bus could could read along with me because my book was in LARGE PRINT. :)



Roses, Candles...

Roses, Candles...
We like pretty things

Shakespeare and Company, Paris

Shakespeare and Company, Paris
The upstairs reading room - a hideaway to catch up on some reading or writing

Shakespeare and Company, Paris